SPA templates(Angular, React etc) with ASP .NET Core 2.0

In my last post, I have explained about the setup required for .Net Core 2.0 which you can find here.

Along with Core 2.0, there are some newly added default templates has been added by Microsoft team.

The major attraction is the SPA templates that are shipped with Core 2.0.

SPA templates like Angular, React.js, React.js and Redux etc can be seen in default template page:


These three templates create actually the same sample application but the difference is in JavaScript libraries. Notice that these new templates are available only when ASP.NET Core 2 is selected from framework dropdown on top of the dialog.

The best part is, JavaScript Services functionality is used by these SPA templates to embed Node.js within .Net Core on the server. Thus it compiles the Javascript applications server-side as part of .Net build.

The advantage of having SPA templates in the default template section is, most of the required scripts, dlls and other required components are already added in the application so you can start building your application without worrying about the dependencies.

3 thoughts on “SPA templates(Angular, React etc) with ASP .NET Core 2.0

  1. the templates are not the same there are quite a big difference between the core 2.0 mvc web app and the core 2.0 angular template


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